
About Megan.Barber

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So far Megan.Barber has created 589 blog entries.

Gospel Reflection (Mark 6: 33-44) – All were satisfied


Today Fr Paul Gooley reads from the Gospel of Mark (6: 33-44) in which Jesus, using a few loaves and a couple of fish, feeds a large crowd – all ate, all were satisfied. Fr Paul says this story can be read on several levels. It is a foretaste of the Eucharist, the [...]

Christmas 2022 – Mass of the Nativity of our Lord


Mindful that some people are unable to attend Mass in person this Christmas, Fr Paul has recorded this Mass so everyone can still feel part of, and connected to, the celebrations at this special time of year. To spread the peace, joy and gratitude that is the true spirit of Christmas, please feel free [...]

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