
Gospel Reflection (18 October) – Luke, the Evangelist


Tess Koning, member of our Parish Pastoral Council and Principal of St Peter’s Primary School, presents our Gospel Reflections this week and today reads from the Gospel of Luke (10: 1-9) in which Jesus sent 72 disciples out on mission, saying, ‘Whatever house you go into, let your first words be, “Peace to [...]

Gospel Reflection (17 October) – St Ignatius of Antioch


Tess Koning, member of our Parish Pastoral Council and Principal of St Peter’s Primary School, presents our Gospel Reflections this week and today reads from the Gospel of John (12: 24-26), in which Jesus says, ‘If a person serves me, they must follow me, wherever I am, my servant will be there too. [...]

Gospel Reflection (15 October) – St Teresa of Jesus


Tess Koning, member of our Parish Pastoral Council and Principal of St Peter’s Primary School, presents our Gospel Reflections this week and today reads from the Gospel of John (15: 1-8), in which Jesus says, “I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me, with me in him, bears fruit [...]

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