
It’s never too late to start your career – Donna’s Story


Donna's story reminds us, it is never too late to start a career. Donna has worked with CCA as an AIN since 1998 however over the past 5 years has completed more study and completed her Bachelor of Nursing while still working at Emmaus. Video created: 2017 Donna: “Hi, I am [...]

Never stop learning – Victoria’s Story


Victoria's story showcases how life can change in an instant. Victoria reached out to JHI to gain some further training in hospitality. This is Victoria's story. Video created: 2017 Victoria – “I can tell you that your life can change in an instant, and mine did when my husband passed. I [...]

A Life Less Ordinary


A Life Less Ordinary, is a 40 minute documentary style of the work of Father Leo Donnelly during his time as Parish Priest of Port Macquarie for over 60 years. Video created: 2017 Transcript for a Life Less Ordinary Trailer “I remember coming in to the main street there, the whole [...]

Our Values – Courageous Stewardship


As St Agnes' Parish we take responsibility for all that has been entrusted to us from who have come before and we believe in preserving it for those who will come next. Through this short video, we focus on ones of our living breathing values - Courageous Stewardship and how we incorporate [...]

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