Anne O’Brien, Deputy CEO: Mission, People & Culture, presents our Gospel Reflections this week and today reads from the Gospel of Luke (11: 27-28), in which Jesus says, “Blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”

Anne says, this passage carries several important meanings about true discipleship and the role of Mary, she was truly blessed.

While the woman in the crowd praises Mary for her unique role as Jesus’ mother, Jesus emphasizes that true blessedness comes from hearing God’s word and acting on it. This does not diminish the role of honor Mary had but rather highlights why she is blessed—because she perfectly heard, accepted, and lived out God’s word in her life.

This is teaching us the importance of not just hearing God’s word but actually living according to it. It underscores that being close to Jesus is not a matter of physical or external connections but of spiritual faithfulness. The call to “hear the word of God and obey” is a universal call for all Christians.

Mary had a very significant role as disciple because she exemplified the qualities that Jesus describes here. When Jesus says, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it,” we see this as affirming Mary’s true blessedness. She not only gave birth to Jesus but also lived in complete obedience to God’s will, from the Annunciation right to the time at the foot of the Cross.

This passage actually elevates Mary’s blessedness, not simply because she was the mother of Jesus, but because of her faithful response to God’s call. It serves as a reminder to us that anyone can share in this blessedness if we are faithful and follow Mary’s example.

Jesus’ words redirect out attention from a specific blessing tied to a unique role (Mary as His mother) to a more inclusive blessing that is accessible to all of us. We believe that every person is called to holiness and can be “blessed” by responding to God’s word with trust and action.

This teaches us of “universal call to holiness,” meaning that all people are called to live holy lives by listening to and following God’s will. The passage encourages us to embrace the teachings of Christ and apply them in their daily lives, which is the true source of spiritual joy and blessedness.

From today then, obedience to God’s word and Mary the model of discipleship we are to follow and our invitation that is not based on our status or privilege but on our response to God’s call to holiness.

In closing, Anne invites us to listen to God’s call and recognise that true blessedness in our lives by hearing God’s word and living it out; and to acknowledge the model that Mary is in our lives so that we have that same potential for spiritual joy and grace if we follow her example of faithful obedience to God.