Tess Koning, member of our Parish Pastoral Council and Principal of St Peter’s Primary School, presents our Gospel Reflections this week and today reads from the Gospel of John (15: 1-8), in which Jesus says, “I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me, with me in him, bears fruit in plenty; for cut off from me you can do nothing”. Afterwards, Tess shares a little about the life of St Teresa of Jesus, whose memorial we celebrate today.

Tess says, Teresa de Ahumada was born in Ávila on 28 March 1515 as the third of ten children. She grew up in a very religious environment and in a society that was illiterate, however her parents instilled in her a devotion to reading. While she triumphed in ‘the vanity of the world’, she decided to enter religious life at 20 years of age. At around 27 years of age, she made her profession and through a series of experiences, found a profound love of God.

Teresa acquired a solid theological and spiritual education from her readings and conversations with the most renowned theologians of her time, and this was enriched by her own experience. She became a writer to reflect on her own spiritual experiences and to share her wisdom with others.

With Christ at the centre of her spirituality, her understanding of love of God and love of neighbour meant service to others. She dreamed of a journey of faith living the Gospel authentically, in community, placing others before self. A place of prayer and work, silence and fraternity. In 1562, she founded the first Discalced foundation: the convent of Saint Joseph in Avila. She travelled over more than 6000km throughout Spain to establish convents for around 20 years.

Saint Teresa of Jesus died at the age of 67, in Alba de Tormes. She was beatified by Paul V in 1614, canonised by Gregory XV in 1622, and proclaimed doctor of the Church by Paul VI in 1970. She was the first woman upon whom that title was conferred.

Today, Tess invites us to ask St Teresa of Jesus, through her profound love of God and service to others, to pray for us.