Shane Hyland, Leader of School Evangelisation at St Joseph’s Regional College, presents our Gospel reflections this week. Today, Shane reads from the Gospel of Luke (12: 13-21) in which Jesus tells the parable of the rich man who ‘stores up treasure for himself in place of making himself rich in the sight of God.’

Shane says arguments over inheritance have been going on since time immemorial. Jesus, who is recognised by the crowd as a teacher of the law, is asked to intervene in the matter as was the custom of the time. He knows that if he does intervene, he would be identified with the scribes and with worldly affairs.

Jesus recognises a teaching moment and his teaching is not about how to settle disputes over inheritance.

For those of you who are teachers or parents you would know that simply giving the answer to the question or making the decision for your student or child doesn’t teach them anything that will be long lasting.

Here, Jesus has something else in mind. Instead, he issues the warning against accumulating wealth for the sake of wealth itself and gives them a parable to think over.

In this parable, it seems to Shane that the farmer is discussing the matter with himself! ‘I have nowhere to store my crops’, ‘I will build bigger barns’, ‘I will say to my soul’, ‘you have plenty stored up’, ‘eat, drink and be merry’. I, I, I… all about me.

The farmer in the parable relies only on himself, even discussing what he will do with this extra wealth and where to store it. He doesn’t give thanks to God for his provision and so is caught off guard and his soul is taken. He seems to be oblivious to the fact that his life is not his own and that God can take it back at any time.

God calls him a ‘Fool!’, You could die at any moment then who will benefit from your amassed wealth? It won’t be you! You will be dead.

Unfortunately, Shane says, this is where the Gospel for today finishes but if you grab your bible and read on to Verse 34 Jesus tells his disciples in no uncertain terms that if they put their trust in God and strive for the kingdom then they will have no need to store things up in this way. He says in Verse 33, sell your possession and give alms, make purses for your wealth that will not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven.

This is how we become rich in the sight of God.