Jesus prays for his church
In the Gospel (John 17: 11-19) today, Fr Paul says we need to keep in mind that Jesus is at the last supper with his disciples, just prior to his betrayal.
The thing Jesus is doing at this time is praying for his church. Jesus raises his eyes to heaven and we hear him pray. He is aware of the difficulties the disciples will face and asks God to help them.
We hear his words of comfort, encouragement and words that speak of the Father’s unshakable love for us! We hear about the coming of the Spirit and Jesus’s own love and confidence for the disciples.
Mixed with the notion of difficulties and sorrows, Jesus also teaches the disciples that sorrow and hardship will not have the last word. In fact, through these things they will experience joy to the full.
Jesus’s prayer is positive and encouraging, mindful of what is happening in his life and that of the disciples at that time.
Fr Paul invites us to take a moment (particularly in this time of COVID even though restrictions are being lifted) to take Jesus as our example and look around us to the needs of others and to pray to the Father. This kind of prayer give comfort and, as Jesus intimates, we can shine even in the darkest hours.
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