Today, Marg Gobius, Leader of School Evangelisation at MacKillop College, reads from the Gospel of Matthew (5: 27-32) which continues to explore Jesus’ perspective on the Ten Commandment in his Sermon on the Mount.

Marg notes that from Jesus’ perspective, marriage is a sacred covenant that should not be broken easily. He emphasizes the importance of faithfulness and commitment within the marital relationship.

Jesus’ teachings often challenge us to examine our innermost thoughts and intentions, urging us towards purity of heart and actions. In his exploration of adultery, he invites his disciples to not just focus on the laws for the sake of the law, but to have a deeper understanding of moral integrity.

Jesus emphasises the seriousness of the sin of adultery, by using strong language. The extreme metaphor he uses in relation to what causes us to sin, highlights the importance of avoiding temptation and guarding one’s heart against impure thoughts and desires. So the challenge for every Christian is to make an intentional effort to choose not to look at or do anything that leads them to cause any damage to the sacred covenant of their own marriage or the marriage of someone else.

Rather than focusing solely on the prohibition of adultery, Jesus emphasizes the importance of inner purity, highlighting the transformative power of our intentions. His words encourage us to cultivate respect and reverence for others, acknowledging the profound impact of our thoughts and desires on our relationships.

With this in mind, Marg invites us to pray:

Jesus, help us each to see the beauty in respecting and cherishing one another, embracing love with purity of heart and mind. Grant us the strength to cultivate wholesome thoughts and actions, nurturing relationships grounded in mutual respect and reverence for the sacredness of every person. Amen