Fr Paul Gooley reads from the Gospel of Matthew (16: 24-28) in which Jesus says to his disciples, “If anyone wants to be a follower of mine let them renounce themselves and take up their cross and follow me’.

Fr Paul says in this Gospel, Jesus presents an important teaching on the nature of discipleship, emphasizing the need for self-denial and the willingness to take up one’s cross. This gospel invites us to reflect on the paradox of losing one’s life to find it, which is a theme echoed throughout the Gospels. Jesus calls His followers to a radical commitment that is above their worldly ambitions and comforts, urging us to embrace a path marked by sacrifice and love.

The passage today, Fr Paul says, serves as an important reminder that the Christian journey is not about seeking personal glory but about embracing the transformative love of Christ, which compels us to serve others and bear their crosses with faith and hope. As we walk this path, we are assured that our sacrifices will lead to eternal life and communion with God.

Today, Fr Paul says, the invitation to take up the cross is an invitation to participate in the mystery of Christ’s love, leading us to a deeper understanding of what it means to be a disciple in today’s world.