Fr Paul Gooley reads from the Gospel of Matthew (11: 16-19) in which Jesus compares his generation with children shouting to each other as they sit in the marketplace. Fr Paul says this Gospel reading is often called the parable of the playing children, and it is one of those stark contrasts that Matthew loves. The contrast in Matthew is usually between good and bad. But this time it could be between the different aspects of the Kingdom expressed in the contrast of the austere behaviour of John the Baptist and the convivial behaviour of Jesus. Whatever the messenger of the Kingdom did, the people refused to ‘play ball’. If he played sad songs, they wouldn’t mourn; if he played merry songs, they wouldn’t dance. The Baptist was criticized for not eating enough, and Jesus was criticized for eating and drinking too much and in the wrong company! So, those who are hearing the message of Jesus are the same. Put forward one aspect of the Kingdom and they want the opposite; put forward another aspect of the Kingdom and they insist on the first! Fr Paul says he wonders if this was a deliberate refusal to understand. Mindful of this contrast, Fr Paul invites to us to reflect on the contrast we have at the moment in our lives, of consumerism vs the birth of Jesus. What are we paying most attention to at this time?