Fr Paul reads from the Gospel of Mark (10: 28-31) in which Jesus promises eternal life to those who follow him after Peter asks, ‘What about us? We left everything to follow you’.

Fr Paul says this little story is essentially a repeat of Jesus’s teaching about wealth. Wealth makes entering the Kingdom of God almost impossible. Although for God, everything is possible.

The last sentence of the Gospel, ‘Many who are first will be last and the last first’ needs to be read keeping in mind this very point; all things are possible for God.

Simply put, it is a warning to give up something like wealth is preparation for the Kingdom of God.

Fr Paul notes, this theme of giving up something and being prepared for the Kingdom leads us beautifully into the season of Lent, which begins tomorrow with our celebration of Ash Wednesday. Our Ordinary Time season is now interrupted with the season of Lent.