Fr Paul Gooley reads from the Gospel of Mark (6: 14-29) in which Herod has John the Baptist beheaded after promising the daughter of Herodias anything if she danced for he and his guests.

Fr Paul says the story of the Passion of John the Baptist is told by Mark with more attention and sympathy than by either of the other two synoptic evangelists – Luke and Matthew. The Jewish historian Josephus tells that Herod Antipas took John into custody for fear that he might spark a rebellion.

Mark’s tone is different; focusing on the royal birthday party, he changes the story into a court drama, told from afar. For the detail he uses two biblical models. The wicked queen is modelled on Jezebel, and in the same way Herodias ‘arranges’ the death of John the Baptist. The persuasive young dancing girl, promised half the King’s realm, is modelled on the stunningly beautiful Esther who wins the heart of the King in the book of Esther.

One can feel Herodias lurking in the background as her attractive daughter seduces the King. To complete the story, we see the irony of the King’s respect for his guests triumphing over his respect for the prophet’s life.

The story is placed by Mark between the mission of the Twelve and their return, suggesting that the proclamation of the message and the morals of Christianity will bring its dangers to Christian prophets, and will demand courage and even martyrdom.

All the while the listener knows that Jesus, too, will be killed by an unjust ruler for proclaiming his message from God.

Fr Paul invites us to reflect on today’s Gospel lesson – like John the Baptist we, too, need to have the courage to be Christian prophets in our world.