Fr Paul Gooley reads from the Gospel of Matthew (9: 18-26) in which Jesus heals a woman who touches his cloak as well as the official’s daughter who had just died.

Fr Paul says in Mark’s version of these two lively little stories about the cure of two women is delightful and moving, full of little details which make the stories themselves come alive. Matthew here, however, simplifies them drastically, leaving out the details which are so attractive in Mark’s version.

Matthew is only interested in two things – underlining the faith of the people being healed and, secondly, the authority of Jesus. Sadly, compared to Mark, Matthew leaves it ambiguous as whether Jesus only heals to these two people or does he give them a deeper salvation.

Fr Paul says what inspires him in this passage is the example of the official and the woman. Both had the courage to bring their needs, no matter how big or how small they were, to Jesus and both had the humility to ask for help.

Fr Paul says the Gospel challenge today is that we might follow this example.