This week our Gospel Reflections are presented by Tess Koning, a member of our Parish Pastoral Council and Principal of St Peter’s Primary school. Today Tess reads from the Gospel of Luke (10: 25-37) in which Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan as part of his response to a lawyer who asks him, ‘What must I do to inherit eternal life?’ In the Gospel today, Tess notes, the lawyer had the right answer to the question of Jesus regarding what Scripture says about how to inherit eternal life, but still didn’t understand the point as he asked Jesus, ‘Who is my neighbour?’. It wasn’t until Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan and concluded with a different question: ‘Which of these three proved himself a neighbour?’ that the lawyer understood what Jesus was saying. Jesus was saying…Do not try to figure out who is your neighbour, listen instead to the call within you and become a neighbour. He is asking us today to be close to anyone in need, not out of obligation, but to show true mercy. In closing, Tess invites us to consider… how am I a neighbour to those around me?