Tess Koning, member of our Parish Pastoral Council and Principal of St Peter’s Primary School, presents our Gospel Reflections this week and today reads from the Gospel of Luke (11: 29-32), in which Jesus says, “Just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so will the Son of Man be to this generation”.

Tess says, in the Gospel today, people crowd to hear Jesus speak and he realises that some of them are asking for a ‘sign’. At this time, Jesus has done many miracles and taught in many miraculous ways that indicate his identity. To ask for a ‘sign’ now is like they are rejecting him; not wanting to see the truth already known to them. They are trying to avoid believing.

This is also true of the current time. Some people will say “if only God does… I will believe”. But God has given us all the evidence we need to believe in him right now. We have the evidence of creation all around us. We have the evidence of conscience already with us. We have the evidence of Christ, revealed in the Bible, preached by his servants, present by His Spirit. There is no excuse to not believe.

With all the resources available to us now, we surely have greater knowledge than many of those who came before us.

In closing, Tess says we might ask ourselves today… Do we make the most of the witness to God that we have all around us through his Word, translated into our language, shared with us through our worship by our ministers?