Fr Paul Gooley reads from the Gospel of John (12: 24-26) in which Jesus says to his disciples, ‘If someone serves me must follow me; wherever I am, my servant also will be there, too. If any serves me my Father will honor them’. Afterwards, Fr Paul shares a little about the life of St Lawrence, whose memorial we celebrate today.

Fr Paul says Saint Lawrence, a prominent figure in the early Christian Church. He was born in Rome and served as a deacon under Pope Sixtus II during the persecution of Christians. He is best known for his martyrdom on August 10, 258, when he was executed for refusing to surrender the treasures of the Church. Instead of presenting material wealth, Lawrence famously brought the poor, declaring them to be the true treasures of the Church. Lawrence’s courage and commitment to the poor have made him a symbol of charity and faithfulness, leading to his veneration as a saint.

Saint Lawrence’s life and martyrdom continues to inspire acts of charity and commitment to the faith.

And so today, Fr Paul invites us to ask, ‘St Lawrence… Pray for us!’