Fr Paul Gooley reads from the Gospel of Luke (1: 57-66), which tells the story of the birth of John the Baptist. Fr Paul says the birth-stories of John the Baptist and of Jesus are told in such a way as to bring out the parallelism between the two figures, and the special position of each. Each of the parents are models of the fidelity of Israel, and of trust in the Lord. An angel foretells the miraculous birth of each. The birth and naming of each is an occasion of great joy. In the case of John, it is great but Jesus is greater still: The exalted position of John serves to exalt the position of Jesus even further. John will prepare the way; Jesus will be seated on the throne of his father David. Zechariah doubts and is struck dumb; Mary humbly enquires and is blessed. John’s name means ‘God is gracious’, Jesus’ name is ‘Saviour’. At the birth of John there is joy in the family, at the birth of Jesus the joy and singing are by the angels. At the end of this passage John goes out into the desert because it was from the desert that the Messiah was expected to come, and John will be the herald, he will be that voice, crying in the desert in fulfilment of Isaiah, ‘Make straight his paths’. Fr Paul notes that today marks the end of the third week of the Advent season. Tomorrow is the fourth Sunday in Advent – this year the fourth week of Advent is extremely short – and Christmas is just around the corner! Fr Paul invites everyone to our Christmas celebrations this year to celebrate the wonder through the birth of Jesus Christ. You are most welcome to bring family and friends. Fr Paul takes the opportunity on behalf of himself, the production team that supports him with these Reflections, the priests, and the Parish, to wish us all a very happy, holy and blessed Christmas and a glorious New Year!