On this feast of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Tess Koning, a member of our Parish Pastoral Council and Principal of St Peter’s Primary School, reads from the Gospel of Luke (2: 41-51) in which Mary and Joseph search desperately for Jesus when as a child he becomes separated from them on their journey back from Jerusalem which they had taken for the feast of the Passover.

Tess says, Mary, throughout her life, embodied a profound love for Christ, submitting herself to God’s will in cheerful obedience despite difficulties. Dedicated to honouring the interior life of the Blessed Mother, the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary reflects upon her heart of love for God, celebrating her joys, sorrows, and virtues.

Over the course of her lifetime, Mary endured many trials – but throughout it all, her attitude was one of steadfast faith and unflinching obedience, reflecting her Immaculate Heart.

Catholic tradition recognizes the seven sorrows of Mary, one of which is represented in the Gospel today, when the child Jesus was lost for three days, before being found in the temple.

The Immaculate Heart of Mary demonstrates how steadfast faith and obedience to God can help lead us through trials and temptations.

In a homily given by Pope John Paul II in 1979, he stated:

“This woman of faith, Mary of Nazareth, the Mother of God, has been given to us as a model in our pilgrimage of faith.
From Mary, we learn to surrender to God’s will.
From Mary, we learn to trust even when all hope seems gone.
From Mary, we learn to love Christ, her Son and the Son of God.
Mary is not only the Mother of God, but she is also the Mother of the Church as well.”

Tess invites us to pray today:

You prepared the heart of the Virgin Mary to be a fitting home for Your Holy Spirit. By her prayers, may we become more worthy of Your glory.

Thank you to Tess for presenting our Gospel reflections this week. Next week we look forward to Anne O’Brien and Marg Gobius presenting them for us.