Today Fr Paul Gooley reads from the Gospel of John (3: 22-30) in which John the Baptist says, ‘The bridegroom’s friend who stands there and listens is glad when he hears the bridegroom’s voice. This same joy I feel, and now it is complete. He must grow greater; I must grow smaller’.
Fr Paul The final gospel reading in this series is appropriately the final scene in the Gospel of John of the ministry of the Baptist. Once more it is guidance for those who are to be apostles of Jesus, showing the humility of both Jesus and John. We do not know exactly the significance of this activity of Jesus in baptising: was it already Christian baptism or was he continuing the activity of John in preparing a community for the coming of the Messiah? In either case Jesus has the humility to learn from John and quietly continue his activity.
In the last couple of verses, Fr Paul says, we are given the reflection of John on the mission. From this we are reminded once again that it is the coming of the bridegroom for the great wedding-feast of the Lamb, the final climax and completion of history. We are reminded also that the mission is not for the glory of the apostle, but that the apostle must always be content to serve Jesus, seeking not personal glorification but the glory of Jesus.
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