Fr Paul Gooley reads from the Gospel of Matthew (20: 20-28) in which the mother of Zebedee’s sons comes to Jesus with her sons to ask a favor of him. Afterwards Fr Paul shares a little about the life of St James whose feast we celebrate today.

Fr Paul says St James is one of the sons of Zebedee and Salome, who we hear of in this Gospel. James was one of the Twelve Apostles chosen directly by Jesus. Along with his brother John, he was part of the inner circle of disciples who were privileged to witness key moments in Jesus’ life, such as the Transfiguration and the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Though the Gospels provide few details about James’ early life, we know he came from a family of means, as his father Zebedee was a fisherman with hired servants. James and John were likely men of ordinary education, but their faith and devotion to Christ led them to become “fishers of men.”

After Pentecost, James emerged as a leader in the early Church in Jerusalem. Tragically, he was the first of the Twelve Apostles to be martyred, killed by the sword on the order of King Herod Agrippa around the year 44 AD. This swift martyrdom reveals the depth of James’ commitment to Christ, as he did not shrink from giving the ultimate witness.

A later tradition holds that James had previously travelled to Spain to evangelize that region, and that his body was later brought to the city of Santiago de Compostela, which became a major pilgrimage site. This association with Spain has led to James being known as the patron saint of that country.

Though his life was cut short, St James the Greater stands as an inspiring example of faith, courage, and unwavering discipleship. His willingness to follow Christ even to the point of martyrdom challenges us to deepen our own commitment to the Gospel message. May his intercession and witness continue to inspire believers throughout the ages.

So today, Fr Paul invites us to ask ‘St James… Pray for us!’.