Fr Paul reads from the Gospel of Mark (10: 46-52) in which Jesus heals Bartimaeus, a blind beggar who was sitting at the side of the road. Fr Paul says, there are several special things about the Gospel we’ve heard. Firstly, it is just as Jesus is leaving Jericho. We need to understand that it is about three hours’ walk to Jerusalem up through a great rocky canyon. Jericho is the last village on the way to Jerusalem, so you know you are getting close to your destination. Secondly, the beggar calls Jesus ‘Son of David’ and this draws attention to the messianic ancestry of Jesus before he enters Jerusalem. Thirdly, Jesus says to Bartimaeus, the blind beggar, your faith has cured you. The beggar keeps shouting despite being rebuked by the crowd. He shows courage and determination as he puts his trust in Jesus. He is confident Jesus will help him. For our reflection today, Fr Paul says, we might pray that our faith is just as strong and confident, just as courageous, as Bartimaeus’s is in the Gospel; with this in mind, we might further reflect on what our answer to Jesus’s question might be… What do you want me to do for you?
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