Tony Worner, Leader of Formation for St Agnes’ Catholic Parish, reads from the Gospel of Mark (10: 46-52) in which the blind man, Bartimaeus, asks Jesus to restore his sight.
Tony says, this is one of those stories that lends itself for us to become part of the story itself.

Imagine yourself sitting by the roadside on the outskirts of a town. With your eyes closed, listen to the sounds around you. Become aware of the sounds of many people approaching. You overhear that Jesus is coming near. Now is your chance to meet him; you shout out ‘Jesus I’m over here!’ People tell you to keep quiet. But above all the noise you hear Jesus calling your name! Jumping up you leave what you had with you on the ground. Jesus is speaking to you – ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ As your heart beats faster, you say, ‘I want to see!’

Tony invites us to feel the gaze of Jesus deep within, deepening your insight and faith.

And so, we to pray… ‘Lord help me to see’.