Today as we celebrated the Transfiguration, Fr Paul Gooley reads from the Gospel of Mark (9: 2-10) in which Jesus takes Peter, James and John to a high mountain where he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became dazzling white.

Fr Paul says the Transfiguration of the Lord is an extraordinary event that reveals the divine glory of Jesus Christ, and so it is a pivotal moment in His ministry. We hear that Jesus took Peter, James, and John to a high mountain and while there His appearance transformed, radiating light and glory. This transformation is not merely a display of power but a deep revelation of His true nature as the Son of God, preparing the disciples for the trials ahead, particularly the Passion and Resurrection.

We hear in this Gospel of the presence of Moses and Elijah. They signify the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets, and underscore that Jesus is the culmination of God’s plan for salvation. We hear the voice of the Father, declaring Jesus as His beloved Son, and it invites us to listen to Him, reinforcing the importance of obedience to Christ’s teachings. This moment is not just a glimpse of glory but a call to understand that true glory comes through suffering and sacrifice.

The event also highlights the Trinitarian nature of God, we hear the Father’s voice, we see the Son’s radiant form, and the Holy Spirit represented by the cloud that envelops them. This manifestation of the Trinity invites believers to contemplate the divine mystery and to recognize the light of Christ that shines in the darkness of our world.

The Transfiguration allows us to reflect; it reminds us of own journey towards an encounter with Christ. Just like the disciples were transformed by their experience on the mountain, so too are believers, like us, called to be transformed by our faith, sharing in the light of Christ and proclaiming His glory to others and to the world.

Fr Paul says the Transfiguration serves as a reminder to us of the divine presence in the midst of human struggles. It encourages us to embrace the light of Christ and to follow Him faithfully, even through the trials of life.