Fr Paul Gooley reads from the Gospel of Luke (6: 20-26) in which Jesus shares the blessings and woes of that come with trying to live a life that will be rewarded in heaven.

Fr Paul says Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount and this gospel, Luke’s Sermon on the Plain, are both collections of the sayings of Jesus about the basic conditions of Christian living. Both begin with a set of ‘Beatitudes’, announcing who is specially blessed by the Lord.

Matthew’s set of eight Beatitudes focuses more on spiritual qualities… poor in spirit, hunger and thirst for justice, whereas Luke’s four beatitudes here are more directed on the circumstances of life.

Here Jesus turns the world upside-down. His Gospel or ‘good news’ comes to the poor, the neglected, the oppressed. True blessedness does not consist in wealth, fame or festivities. It is those who struggle now who will receive a lasting reward.

Throughout this Gospel though, runs a thread of warnings about the dangers of being content, and we seldom pay attention to warnings unless they really stand out!

Fr Paul notes, the worry of those who have plenty, and how they should use their what they have for the benefit of others, is at least as great as those who worry about how to survive.