Life is short
Fr Paul reads today’s Gospel from Luke (13:1-9) in which Jesus tells the parable of the fig tree.
Fr Paul says, the killing of the worshipers by Pilate and the collapse of the tower at Salome, we hear of in the first part of this Gospel, are not mentioned in other historical sources but they serve as a useful example of unexpected death and the need, then, for us to be prepared. Jesus is saying through this part of the Gospel that sometimes we can be blind to the really important things in life.
The theme of conversion in the first part of the Gospel, and above all the persevering patience of God mentioned in the second part with the parable of the fig, are lessons that have been right throughout Luke’s Gospel and they are, again, at the heart of this Gospel.
So today for our reflection, Fr Paul says, knowing that we have a patient God, we might reflect on these questions, “Am I blind to the really important things in life? If unexpected death was to happen to me at some point today, would I be ready?’
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