Today as we celebrate the lives of St Michael, Gabriel, Raphael – the Archangels, Fr Paul reads from the Gospel of John (1: 47-51) in which Jesus tells Nathanael that he will see ‘heaven laid open, and above the Son of Man the angels of God ascending and descending’. In relation to St Michael, Fr Paul says, he is mentioned in the Apocalypse as the leader of the heavenly host. He is widely known as the patron saint of soldiers and police. St Gabriel appears in the Book of Daniel and, when he does, he comes to explain some of the prophets’ visions. He was also the one who came to visited Mary to announce the Annunciation. St Raphael is mentioned in the Book of Tobit. He is the Archangel, who heals Tobit of his blindness. His actual name means ‘God heals’. Today, as we celebrate the lives of these three archangels and in the tradition of our church, Fr Paul says, we ask them to pray for us. On a personal note, Fr Paul adds that today is Police Remembrance Day and, as mentioned, St Michael is the patron saint of police, hence why this National Day of Remembrance is celebrated on this particular day because it is the feast of St Michael. All over our country today, the police force, family and friends will gather to remember all those who have given their lives in the service of the Force. Today especially, Fr Paul says, we pray for all our police forces and for all those who have lost their lives; we pray for their families; and we continue to ask the protection of St Michael over every police officer who serves our community.