Fr Paul reads from the Gospel of Luke (11: 29-32) in which Jesus responds to crowd asking for a sign with a reference to the Old Testament, saying ‘none will be given it except the sign of Jonah’.

Fr Paul says in this passage we’ve heard today, Jesus reminds the crowds that Jonah’s mission to Nineveh was simply about conversion.  The wicked city immediately converts and does penance and so they are an example for Israel, who Jesus is talking to.

Again, Solomon, who is mentioned in this Gospel, is a figure who represents wisdom an, even the Gentile Queen of the South recognised the God-given wisdom of Solomon. As we hear towards the end of the Gospel, ‘now, something is greater here’ and the crowds refuse to convert so we are left to draw our own conclusion.

In our Gospel today, it is quite clear there is the call to conversion, to turn back to God.

Fr Paul says, we might spend some time today reflecting on ‘What areas of my life do I need to turn back to God with.