That I may see

Fr Paul reads the Gospel today from Luke (18:18-43) in which Jesus cures the blind man on his way to Jericho.

This healing of the blind man that we hear of in the Gospel today, Fr Paul says, is found in all three synoptic Gospels (those of Mark, Luke and Matthew). We hear that Jesus draws near to Jericho. It is the first time in Luke that the title ‘Son of David’ is used and it is used twice.

The point of this Gospel is the faith of the blind man. Jesus himself points this out. Luke also records the gratitude of the man himself and, in fact, of the whole crowd. All of them glorify, praise and thank God.

Mindful of this response of the blind man and the crow, Fr Paul invites us to consider ‘What are the things and who are the people that I want to thank God for today?