This week Anne O’Brien, Deputy CEO – Mission, People and Culture for St Agnes’ Catholic Parish presents our Gospel Reflections. Today, as we celebrate the memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels, Anne reads from the Gospel of Matthew (18: 1-5, 10) in which Jesus says unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven for “their angels in heaven are continually in the presence of my Father in heaven.” In today’s Gospel, Anne notes, the disciples ask an interesting question and behind their question lies the ambitious pride of sinful adults. Their question asks ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom?’. Christ’s answer is a little child and his words tell us that littleness is a mark of greatness in God’s kingdom. The humblest among us has a guardian angel. We do not sentimentalise them. They are the most awe-inspiring of all the beings made by God; yet it is their joy to accompany and protect each of us. Our guardian angel helps us from baptism, through death to eternal life. We are all called to share in the mission of the guardian angels, especially as regards to our children. We must see their angel in every child we encounter. It’s surely a message for our time. We all need to look out for each other and share in the protective love of our guardian angels. In closing, Anne invites us to share in this short prayer: Father, we rejoice in the protective love of the guardian angels. May we be worthy of their presence and share in their mission. May they continue to help us in our lives, from this world to the glory of our home in heaven. Amen.