Tony Worner, Leader of Formation for St Agnes’ Catholic Parish is presenting our Gospel Reflections this week. Today, Tony reads from Luke’s Gospel (14: 12 -14) which continues the story begun on Saturday where Jesus is sharing a meal in the house of one of the leading Pharisees and told a parable about the ‘place of honour’. In today’s Gospel, Jesus now tells the host who should be invited to the dinner. Tony says, much of life involves the expectation of some sort of repayment for the things we do – I’ll do this for you, and you’ll do something for me. For Tony this brought to mind the many Tik Tok posts of people doing random, good things, surprising things, wonderful things for complete strangers. While it may seem on the surface that someone is doing something noble, in the end it’s that they may get some financial benefit for the number of people who “like” their video. In today’s Gospel, Jesus challenges us to bless, to benefit, and befriend those who cannot repay us for our interest, concern, and kindness. Doing so leaves the rewards of our actions as the intrinsic blessing of helping someone else and a deep trust that what we do and how we do it matter to our God — and God promises to remember! Tony closes, inviting us to pray: God, open my eyes to the opportunities you provide me to bless others in Jesus’ name. Forgive me when I invest all my time, effort, and interest only in those whom I already know and who can repay me. Use me to bless those from whom I can expect nothing in return. In Jesus’ name. Amen.