Fr Paul Gooley, our Parish Priest, returns and before reading today’s Gospel offers sincere thanks to those who filled in during his absence. He then reads from Luke’s Gospel (17: 1-6) in which the apostles say to Jesus, ‘Increase our faith!’ Fr Paul reflects that today’s Gospel alerts us to three things the gospel writer has heard Jesus say. All three of the sayings of Jesus are marked by a real definitiveness and really vivid imagery which are characteristic of the sayings of Jesus. For example, a millstone is at least six feet in diameter and if it was around your neck then there is no chance of survival. A second example is the mulberry tree. There is no way it would survive if it was uprooted and planted in the sea even if it was the Sea of Galilee. The three things Jesus is teaching us through these sayings are as follows: • The first is to avoid being an obstacle or causing a scandal. Jesus is teaching us to avoid causing any one to trip or fall or to be led away from God. If we do, then we deserve the millstone around our neck. • The second is the importance of forgiveness. Jesus is teaching us that if we are not able to forgive others then we cannot expect to receive forgiveness from God. • The third is the faith that we should have in God. Jesus is teaching us that it is not easy to forgive. Its only with great faith in God that it is possible to reach the point of having such a great love that it then makes it possible for us to forgive. As our day continues, Fr Paul, invites us to remember and live out these three things today. In closing, Fr Paul takes the opportunity to thank everyone for their prayers, care and support during his recent illness and recovery.