Fr Paul Gooley reads from Luke’s Gospel (17: 7-10) in which Jesus speaks about our duty of service to one another. Fr Paul says the Gospel we hear today contains a parable that is only found in Luke’s Gospel. Service is a theme that Luke likes, and the parable here wants to teach us that our life has to be characterized by an attitude of service. The parable contains three questions that are ultimately answered by Jesus. The three questions that Jesus asks are taken from daily life so that the listener has to think about their own life experience and then respond to the questions. Most people at the time Jesus asked these questions and, probably, even now would answer the first question with a ‘No’. The second question would be a ‘Yes’ and the third question would be a ‘No’ as well. The way Jesus asks the questions makes people come around to his way of thinking. He wants us to be servants to one another. At the end of the Gospel, we hear the response of Jesus which applies to all Christians. We are called to humbly serve God. We must keep our pride in check and merely see ourselves as servants. For our personal reflection today, Fr Paul invites us to ask ourselves, ‘How do I humbly serve God and others?’