Tony Worner, Leader of Formation for St Agnes’ Catholic Parish, is presenting our Gospel Reflections this week.

Today, Tony reads from the Gospel of Mark (10: 17-27) in which Jesus tells the rich young man, “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me”.

There’s a real sadness in this encounter with the man who has done everything, but Jesus asks more of him. His face fell at the words of Jesus, and he went off sad.

Tony says he wonders what is it that we want to hold onto… and that we’re called to let go of? It is not easy to give up something that means a lot to us.

For our prayer today, Tony invites us to think about what is important to us and let Jesus gaze on us and encourage us with these words …

“Humanly it is impossible, but not for God; because everything is possible for God.”

Be patient and wait for wisdom.