Fr Paul reads from the Gospel of Mark (10:13-16) in which Jesus chides the disciples for preventing the children from coming to him.
Fr Paul says this short reading contains two very important teachings.
The first is about the importance of every single human being, made in the image of God. Jesus casts aside all ideas of status.
The second lesson is that the one who enters the Kingdom of God must be like a child.
For our reflection today, Fr Paul invites us to reflect that every human being is made in the image of God regardless of status and because of this, to enter the kingdom of God, we must be childlike – free, free of all the burdens, judgements and more that come, sadly, with being an adult.
In closing, Fr Paul, who is taking some leave from next week, takes the opportunity to thank the colleagues who will continue the Gospel Reflections in his absence, and also those who work with him each week to produce them.