Fr Paul reads from the Gospel of Mark (10: 13-16) in which Jesus chides the disciples for preventing the children from coming to him. Fr Paul says this short reading we’ve heard today has two very important teachings.  The first, simply tells us of the importance of every single human being. Every human being made, is made in the image of God. It is interesting to note, that at the time of Jesus, young children were held in the lowest place in society.  The second lesson is that the one who enters the Kingdom of God must enter it like a child.With this in mind, and as Fr Paul explains, we enter as the lowest of the low; we enter as a child would enter.The Gospel we’ve heard today, Fr Paul notes, is one of the common Gospels used in the baptism of children. He uses it often because of the last line, and he suggests we reflect on it for our prayer; it is the beautiful image of Christ taking the children in his arms, laying his hands on them and blessing them now and always.Fr Paul invites us today to take a moment and place ourselves in that situation and allow Christ to wrap his arms around us, lay his hands on us, and bless us, this day and always.