Today as we celebrate the feast of Saints Simon and Jude (Apostles) Fr Prodencio reads from the Gospel of Luke (6: 12-19) in which Jesus chose twelve from among the disciples, whom he named Apostles. Fr Prodencio says, when it comes to our knowledge about the twelve apostles like Saints Simon and Jude whose feast we celebrate today, the honest truth is that there is not much information we can find. Other than the mention of their names, some written interactions were just minimal such as Jude asking Jesus a question during the last supper. While this may puzzle us considering what we think to be the prominent role of the apostles in our Christian church, we might appreciate it if we read it from a different angle. Our Sacred Scriptures is highly Christ-centered although in many instances, it means it is Jesus-centered. The ultimate mission is to introduce Jesus as the anointed one or the one sent by God. This was the reason why the missionary activities of the apostles had to be Christ-centered. The personal identity of the apostles had to be brought low in order for the mission to remain Christ-centered. This continues to be our mission as a church. The ultimate goal of our missionary activities is to reveal or manifest the Christ. This is not an invitation for each one of us to disappear or be disconnected. Rather, Fr Prodencio says, this is an invitation for us to engage in this world not through our ego that always seek recognition but through our divine identity which we call Christ. In closing, Fr Prodencio, asks ‘Sts Simon and Jude…pray for us!’