Today, Fr Paul Gooley reads from Luke’s Gospel (18: 1-8) in which Jesus tells the parable of the persistent widow who kept going to the judge demanding justice against her adversary. Fr Paul says today’s gospel tells us of another thing that is very dear to Luke’s heart and that is prayer. It is the second time Luke teaches about prayer and this time it’s about praying continually without getting tired. Jesus uses the parable of the widow who pestered the judge. This is a real-life scenario that Jesus uses to make the point we must pray continually and not give up. When we look at Jesus’ own life among us, he to prayed and insisted that his disciples also pray. Luke, the Gospel writer, presents Jesus as a constant prayer. Luke’s Gospel contains over 18 events where Jesus is at prayer because, for Jesus, prayer is intimately linked to life and to the decisions he had to take. Pray was staying in contact with his Father so that he could do the Father’s will. So, Fr Paul says, let this Gospel remind us of the need to pray and to pray continually.