Fr Paul reads from the Gospel of Matthew (7: 21, 24-27) in which Jesus says ‘everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock’.  Continuing to read from the ‘Heart of the Disciple’ booklet* for our daily reflections, Fr Paul says here we are invited to reflect on two related questions: am I on the path to holiness, and am I building my life on the rock that is God?  Jesus challenges he disciples in this passage to make a choice, which will then lead to action.  The choice we each have to make is whether or not we will choose the path of holiness.The path to holiness, Pope Francis says, begins with the deep desire to follow the will of God.  Each day we can choose to focus on our own will or to spend time praying to know and implement God’s will.  Each of us is called to respond in our unique way. “The important thing is that each believer discern his or her own path, that they bring out the very best of themselves, the most personal gifts that God has placed in their hearts (see 1 Corinthians 12:7)” (GE,11).Belonging to Jesus means we put our trust in him and build our life on him.  Part of our unique faith journey is to reflect on whether we are hearing the word of God and responding to it.  It is so easy to become lost or distracted and to keep our eyes only on things we can easily see.  But we are being asked to be more than that. We are asked to have hearts that see beyond the superficial and which belong to Jesus.  The path to holiness and peace opens the door that leads to the fullness of life.We are encouraged to turn to Jesus with an open heart and an open mind, and to pray not only to know God’s will but for the strength to do it.  Living our baptism involves building on the rock that is Jesus. Each of us is called to build our lives on the solid ground of God.For our reflection today, the path to becoming the person God is creating me to be (which is what we mean by ‘holiness’) has a particular starting point.  What might that starting point be? Why is it easier said than done?And today we pray:Faithful God,You invite me to follow you,That I can experience the depth and beauty of life that you have for me.Give me the peace of heart to welcome this invitation at every moment of this day,And from there to put it into practice.We ask this through Christ our Lord.Amen.