Fr Paul Gooley reads today’s Gospel from Mark (16: 15-18) in which, Jesus showed himself to the apostles and said ‘Go out to the whole world, proclaim the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.’ Fr Paul says prior to St Paul’s conversion he was known as Saul. He was the young man who looked after the cloaks of the men who were stoning St Stephen, the Church’s first martyr. Saul grew into a dedicated and efficient persecutor of Christians. Today’s feast simply celebrates the day that Christ appeared to him in a vision as he was on the way to Damascus, and expressed to Saul, who was to become Paul, his disapproval and disappointment in him for his persecution of Christians and converted him to the true faith. Today, Fr Paul invites us to pray, ‘St Paul…Pray for us!’