The conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus continues

Fr Paul reads from John’s Gospel (3: 7-15) in which Jesus tells Nicodemus no one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven.

In some sense, Jesus seems to be teasing Nicodemus. We see that Nicodemus is confused about being born a second time, yet Jesus is speaking of a birth to life which is unending. After the resurrection of Jesus, the disciples strengthened by the Spirit we hear about in this reading, will be sent out to bear witness to Jesus
The lesson of the Gospel is that every action of a Christian is a witness to Christ.

Nicodemus, in our Gospel today, cannot open himself to the invitation that Jesus gives him; the invitation to experience God in Jesus Christ through the Spirit of God.

For our reflection today, Fr Paul asks, ‘Am I open to the invitation of Jesus to experience God through him?’