Fr Paul reads from Matthew’s Gospel (20: 1-16) in which Jesus tells the parable of the workers in the vineyard.

Fr Paul says, we need to be mindful, as we read this Gospel, of Peter’s question from yesterday, which was basically, we have given up everything for you, what’s in it for us? We then hear Jesus tell this parable of the generous landowner, whose employment practices we hear of at the end are accused of being unfair.

As Christians, we like to think our commitments flows from the pure motive of following Christ and, on some level, it does but, like Peter, we are also prone to seeking personal reward and comparing ourselves to others.

Fr Paul says, if we have ever felt envious at someone who reaps benefits, wages, prizes or praises which we believe we deserve, then the message of today’s Gospel which was given to Peter is also given to us.