Parable of the ten pounds

Fr Paul reads the Gospel from Luke (19:11-28) in which Jesus tells the parable of the noble man who entrusts his servants with investing his money wisely while he is away.

Today Fr Paul says, we hear the parable of the talents, or the parable of the ten pounds, and we are aware that there is this expectation among the people that the kingdom is going to happen there and then but Jesus dispels this expectation.

Through this parable, Jesus is saying that his disciples need to continue their work of spreading the Good News that the kingdom is coming.  They must continue this work because they will be judged and rewarded based on their zeal and efforts.  This is borne out by the fact that in the parable the wicked servant’s money is taken from him and given to the most successful of the servants.  It seems to be promising that a special reward will be given for any extra effort that the disciples put in.

Fr Paul says, for our reflection today, we might ask ‘How enthusiastic am I in telling others the Good News about Jesus Christ?’