Fr Paul reads from the Gospel of Luke (11: 29-32) in which Jesus says, ‘as Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites, so also will the Son of Man be to this generation’.

Fr Paul says, in this Gospel, we hear Luke use the term ‘Son of Man’, which he often uses in connection with the Passion of Jesus. We hear also that Jesus is being asked for a sign. Jesus offers the sign of Jonah, that of a wicked Gentile city, a city which immediately converts and does penance.  We also hear, in the same way, of Solomon and how the Queen of the South recognized Solomon’s God-given wisdom.

In this Gospel, Fr Paul says, we hear Jesus saying there is now something greater than either of these two things – and, still, the people refuse to belief, to convert.  They haven’t recognised who Jesus really is.

For our reflection as our Lenten journey continues, Fr Paul invites us to ponder our response to the following question ‘Have I failed to recognise who Jesus really is in my life?