Fr Paul reads from the Gospel of John (7: 1-2, 10, 25-30) which tells of Jesus’s visit to the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles.In this Gospel, Fr Paul says, we hear Jesus goes quite privately to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles. Fr Paul says this feast, even to this day, is still about spending time in leafy areas attached to a house in memory of the many years spent in tents and temporary shelters as people wandered the desert with Moses. Jesus, again, uses this occasion to reiterate his relationship to the one who sent him. As we hear right at the end of the Gospel the Jews cannot do anything yet because the time is just not right, the hour has not yet come.  This sense of the timing, this sense of Jesus’s hour, is a thread that runs right through John’s Gospel. At the very beginning of Jesus’s ministry when Mary asked Jesus to help the couple at the Wedding at Cana Jesus says, ‘my hour is not ready’. That then moves the theme right through to the Last Supper – the hour has come. So it is all about timing, and that is the theme of our Gospel today.With this in mind, Fr Paul notes our Lenten time, this time of preparation, is running out, and says we might ask ourselves ‘What else do I need to do to be ready to celebrate Easter this year?