Fr Prodencio reads from the Gospel of Luke (12:49-53) in which Jesus says, ‘I have not come to bring peace, but separation’. Prodencio says at the start of this Gospel we hear, “I have come to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were blazing already!” and later “From now on, a household of five will be divided: three against two and two against three…” In every single one of us, there is this household within us. Some have five in it, some have more in it. There is just this part of who we are inside that functions like a normal family. It is a world inside each one of us. When we bring the message of Jesus about the kingdom of God inside our sacred interior world, the members of our household within can be thrown into disagreement. That part of ourself claiming to be in command can protest against that part of ourself desiring holiness. Our treasurer within can be slow to accepting the message just in case it has monetary implications. Our interior bookkeeper in charge of our list of priorities can also be thrown to feeling pressured as to where to rank the matters of the kingdom of God. Our list can go on and on about this internal turmoil we can experience. On the other hand, Fr Prodencio says, nothing will beat the reality that if we recognize the wonders of living the kingdom of God all the more, we desire that such experience of being on fire will eventually blaze.