Fr Paul Gooley reads from the Gospel of John (3: 31-36) which John the Baptist says to his disciples ‘He who God has sent speaks God’s own words; God gives him the Spirit without reserve; The father loves the son; and has entrusted everything to him’.

Fr Paul says St Stanislaus was born in Poland in about 1036. He studied at Liège, was ordained, and in 1072 became bishop of Kraków.

He ruled the church as a good shepherd, gave help to the poor, and performed annual visitations to supervise the clergy. He reproached King Bolesław II for his crimes and vices and at length excommunicated him. Bolesław sought him out and murdered him as he was celebrating Mass on 8 May 1079.

So today, Fr Paul says we ask… ‘St Stanislaus, pray for us!’