Fr Paul Gooley reads from the Gospel of John (3: 16-21) which Jesus explains to Nicodemus ‘God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost’.

Fr Paul says the revelation of the Father in Jesus, the coming of the light into the world, elicits two responses. One is faith. The other is astonishment and unbelief.

John describes the first reaction – faith in Jesus as the revealer of God – as coming into light. Those who believe that Jesus is the revealer of God try to internalise and appropriate the meaning of his message. They listen to his words, confess their faith in him as the Son of God and embrace activities through which a believer enters into communion with God through Jesus.

Fr Paul says, as we give thanks for the gift of faith that we have received and nourished, let us pray for all those who, for whatever reason, have not been able to enter into the light of Jesus saving love.