As we celebrate ANZAC Day, Fr Paul Gooley reads from the Gospel of John (12: 23-28) in which Jesus says, ‘If someone serves me, they must follow me; wherever I am, my servant will be there, too. If anyone serves me my Father will honor them’. Afterwards, Fr Paul shares a little about the importance of remembering on ANZAC day.

Fr Paul says service and sacrifice have long been held as noble virtues, drawing respect from both individuals and communities. They point to the fundamental goodness of humanity, as well as call us to higher or better things. They remind us that heroism exists in the routine of everyday life, as well as in the darkest times.

No day perhaps encapsulates their value and importance like Anzac Day – service and sacrifice.

Anzac Day, a solemn day of remembrance, has a long and rich history – full of tradition. In its early years, we honoured those who fought at Gallipoli, especially those who had died.

Over the years, however, we have come to recognise the service and sacrifice of countless men and women in different wars and peacekeeping missions as well as remembering the families and friends they leave waiting at home.
Anzac Day has helped forge our national identity, and its traditions reflect our national psyche – who we are as a people, the values we hold, and what we stand for. The day has also revealed a seemingly innate human characteristic – the desire to show gratitude to others for their personal sacrifice for the common good.

But, as with other times of crisis in our nation’s history, men and women have stepped forward to respond to these challenges. At a time when we honour the bravery of those who defended our nation and the freedom of others around the world, we recognise, too, that we also have contemporary heroes in our midst. Invariably, we have always overcome our difficulties when we have bonded together as a community.
On this very special day, Fr Paul says, ‘Lest we forget’.