Mary’s Song – Lessons from The Magnificat

Today Fr Paul reads from the Gospel of Luke (1: 46-56) in which we hear Mary rejoicing in relation to the favours God has granted her. This prayer of Mary’s is called the Magnificat and it sums up the themes of Luke’s Gospel.

In this prayer of Mary, Fr Paul says we hear it is full of praise and gratitude to God, full of tender reverence for the holiness of God.

Mary’s prayer also tells us of God’s special love for the hungry and the powerless.

Luke, in his Gospel, stresses the poverty surrounding the birth of Jesus, particularly when he talks of the shepherds and of the refugee status of the Holy Family.

For our reflection, Fr Paul says we might be mindful of those less fortunate than ourselves at this time and, through the Mary’s intercession, we might pray that God’s blessings be on all those who are less fortunate.