Today, Fr Paul reads from Luke’s Gospel (24: 13-34) in which two disciples find themselves in the presence of the risen Jesus on the road to Emmaus.Fr Paul says this beautiful story of the Road to Emmaus is also a beautiful story because it also outlines for us the journey of faith to the risen Christ. We see that in the example of the two disciples that Jesus walks beside during this event.  What we see in this Gospel is that the disciples’ lessons start with the scriptures – Jesus explains them to the disciples – it then culminates in the Eucharist.  These two elements still happen each and every time we come together for our Mass. We have the reading of the scriptures and the celebration of the Eucharist, both co-equal in their importance and mirror the journey of faith that these two disciples experience on the road to Emmaus. We also need to understand, Fr Paul says, that these two disciples start out depressed and disappointed but they are open-minded and willing to learn, particularly, as a stranger comes, walks with them and explains the scriptures and the meaning of all that has just happened in Jerusalem.  As we hear ‘their hearts burn within themselves’ but their eyes remain closed until the meal is celebrated and then they recognise the risen Christ. The Eucharist, as they celebrated it that evening, led to a an intimate personal encounter with Christ and once that happened, these two disciples set out instantly, back to the Holy City, to spread the news that Jesus has risen.The Eucharist is also a way that can lead us into that intimate relationship with Christ and Fr Paul encourages us over this Easter Season to reconnect as a community, as a Eucharistic community. He invites us to come along to one of the Masses which are celebrated most days (except Mondays, when our priests have a day off).In closing, Fr Paul says, ‘We’d love to see you and reconnect with you. As this Gospel today reminds us, we too, then in our turn, can become disciples and spread the news that Christ is risen!’.